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Stamperland Jnrs 2001s
It’s with the deepest sadness from our point of view that Stampy Jnrs 01s (although a few teams will be happy 😂😂) are folding now the season has come to an end.
We’ve stuck it out through some real bad times since the team started way back when the dinosaurs were around, (well when the entire club managed to fit into woodfarm on training night at least lol). It all started with original coach Mr Ian Bell who saw the light way before me and bowed out gracefully on the transition to 11s.
From the first game to the last we always had the same attitude, everybody deserves a chance until they decide it wasn’t for them. I’ll never forget the first win away at Baljaffray going 1-0 down in 90 seconds only to win 3-1.
Ups, downs, tears and tantrums we’ve had them all and that’s just me the players were actually well behaved!!!
The reason the team stayed together for so long was the hard work of the boys to recruit when we were close to folding which we were a couple of times, a real team spirit which really showed in our xmas night out at the go-karting(canny believe I had to let some of them beat me😂😂).
My philosophy was try to give everyone an equal opportunity no matter what level they were at. All too often it’s easy for us as coaches to take the easy road and pick a ready made team, but for me we as coaches we should be putting in the same effort as our players. You will get far more out of the team and the experience, coach, mentor and encourage, don’t just judge, you just never know when they’ll mature.
Well a big shout out to all comrades past and present, it’s been an absolute pleasure to see you all grow up into the fine young men you have become…. thanks for the memories ⚽️💛🖤💛⚽️